このスポーツは、2人または4人のチームで対戦し、コートの中央にあるフープに固いゴム球を打つことがミッションとなるゲームです。 4090>


いわゆるマヤボール復活の立役者の一人がホセ・マンリケで、彼は10年前に消滅した「ポクタポク」のルールを復元するために古文書を編纂し、長年研究を続けてきたのです。 He is also dedicated to creating the instrument for the game.

And that initiative bore fruit: since 2015 the World Cup of this sport has been held in the archaeological zone of Chichén Itzá, in Yucatán.

The second competition took place in Guatemala and the third will be held next year in El Salvador, with the participation of five countries of the Mayan world: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Belize.

The first competition was held in Guatemala and the third will be held next year in El Salvador, with the participation of five countries of the Mayan world: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Belize.

The second will be held in Guatemala and the third will be held next year in El Salvador.

