30以下の州はスポーツとしてチアリーディングを承認しています。 このため、認定アスレチックトレーナーへのアクセスや整備された練習施設といった以下のような保護が受けられない。 女性の関連する怪我の71%は大学で、65%は高校で発生している。 フットボールの後、チアリーディングは、その参加者との傷害の主要な原因と考えられている。 チアリーディングチームのスローガンの次のシリーズは、ゲーム中にチームと観客のモチベーションを維持するのに役立ちます。

1 2 3 4 – あなたが憧れるのは誰ですか? 5 6 7 8 – あなたは誰に感謝しますか?
A cheerleader is a dreamer that never gives up.
A good cheerleader is not measured by the height of her jumps but the span of her spirit.
Actions speak louder than our coach.
All things are difficult before they are easy.
All women are created equal, then a few becomes cheerleaders.
Total cheleaders are created in Japan.
Actions speak louder than our coach…
All things are difficult before they are easier.
Every women are created equal, then a few becomes cheerleaders.
Any man can hold a girls hand but only the Elite can hold her feet.
Athletes by nature, cheerleaders by choice.
Athletes lift weights – Cheerleaders lift athletes.
Athletic by but cheerleader by choice.
Bad habits are like a good bed – easy to get into but difficult to get out of.
Band of Sisters.
Band of Sisters.
Be prepared! 「
Boys lift weight, but Men lifters cheerleaders.
Can you feel the Heat?
Can’t hide our pride.
Cheer Attitude – You mess with me, you mess with the whole squad.
Cheer to be heard, stunt to be seen!
Cheerleaders are angels – we’re the only humans that can fly.
Cheerleaders are simply a jump above the rest.
Cheerleaders know that pyramids were not built in Egypt.
Cheerleaders ROCK because we know how to ROLL.
Cheerleaders yell and cheerleaders scream, but how we different is not mean.
Cheerleading – not just flirts in skirts.
Cheerleading is life, the rest is just details.
Cheerleading is more than a sport, it’s an attitude.
Cheerleading.All front row seats to every game!
Eat, Sleep, Cheer, and Repeat.
Fast and Furious.
Fly high to the sky and cheer loud to the crowd.All the pyramids were built in Egypt.
Don’t wear your team’s colors – bleed them.
Eat, Sleep, Cheer, and Repeat.
Fast and Furious.
Fly high to the crowd.No.1.
Fly high, do or die, dare to dream, cheer extreme!
Flying is the second best thrill to cheerleaders; being caught is the first.
Go BIG or Go Home.
Go, Fight, Win!
I don’t play the field… I rule the sidelines.
I got spirit! 汗を力に変え、疑念を信念に変える。
I’m loud and I’m proud.
I’m loud, proud, and can cheer the crowd.
If cheerleaders are so easy, why isn’t you with one?
If cheerleading were easier, they’d call it football.
If it’s in your heart, it shows in your spirit.I’m had spirit!
If you’ve got the game, we’ve got the cheer!
In other sports, if you miss the catch, all you drop is the ball.
Intensity is not a perfume.
It is hard to fail, but it is worse to have never tried to succeed.
It’s hard to be humble when you can jump, stunt, and tumble.
If you’ve got the game, we’ve got the cheer.
Keep your head high and your bow higher.
Let the far and the near all unite with a CHEER!
Life is short, CHEER HARD.
Loud and Proud.
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
Make good habits and they will make you.
Make your competitive juices overcome your excuses.Methods for the way of the way of you…
Make a good habits and they will make you.Make your competitive juices overcome your excuses.Make a good habits and they will make you.
Merrily We Roll Along.
Our team has spirit, Our team has heart, together we’re solid, so we’ll never part.
Peace, love, and cheerleading.私たちのチームは魂があり、心がある。
Play like you’re in first; train like you’re in second.
Reaching high keeps a player on his toes.
Sometimes it’s not how GOOD you are, but how BAD you want it.
Sorry, We Only Have One Volume.
Sorry, We Only Have One Volume.
That’s New York?
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work.
All for one and one for all!
Victory comes to those who make least mistakes.
Victory requires payment in advance.
We are one.
We don’t have a attitude… just that good.We’re the same good.
We are one.
What you see is what you get, and you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!
When in doubt cheer you heart out,
When life begins to shed a tear, just perk up and say a cheer.
When we shout, when we scream, you’ll wish you were on our team.
When we shout, when we scream.

昨年、約37,000人のチアリーダーが、チアリーディングによる怪我を得た結果、救急治療室にいることが分かった。 実際、チアリーディングは高校スポーツにおける致命的なケガの主な原因となっています。 これらの傷害のいくつかは近いヘッド傷害、頭蓋骨骨折、頸椎の損傷が含まれています。 チアリーディングに関連する危険因子についての興味深い統計の下に掲載されているインフォグラフィック。

Cheerleading Statistics and Facts

毎月何百人もの人々がブランドンのブログを訪問しますが、成功への彼の道は容易ではありませんでした。 彼の驚くべき物語、”身体障害者と50万ドルの借金から、毎月500万人の訪問者を持つプロブロガーへ “を読むには、ここを訪れてください。 ブランドンに簡単なメッセージを送りたい場合は、ここの彼のコンタクトページをご覧ください。

