Rita Levin asks:
Could had と would had/would have の違いを説明してください
そもそも could had と would had というのは標準英語ではありえない組み合わせですよね。
If I had been killed she had to carry a dark burden of remorse
If Greece and Greeks would be converted to islam… Would Greece had the problems of debt current?
Encore could had been a masterpiece
If you could had $100 GC at Amazon, which cans for Rock music would you get?
could haveの組み合わせは必ず過去分詞が付きます。 注:この議論はcouldとwouldを使ったhaveとhadの使い方に限定しています。
could have と would have の使い方をいくつか紹介します。
I could have been a contender.私は候補者になることができたのに。
If I could have seen the stage, I would have told you who was playing.
Something unfortunate was possible outcome of some act:
You could have killed us all, driving like that.
The speaker is being critical:
You could have opened the door when you saw what I was carrying.You have been upgraded.You were upgraded.
Note: could be used to express speculation without the use of have:
He could be stuck in the traffic.
また、would haveの後には動詞の過去分詞形が続きます。
If I had known you were coming, I would have baked a cake.
If they had been thinking straight, they would not have go to the party.
If I had lost my way.If I had earlier arrived my destination.Of I was not lost my way.
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