*English Mistakes we make*
You’re taking it personal❌
You’re taking it personally ✔He is matured❌
He is mature ✔
彼は成熟した ✔
その理由は ✔
私のもの ✔
夜警 ✔
金剛杖 ✔
旅行 バッグ ❌
Travel Bag ❌
As at when due Ⓒ
As and when due Ⓒ
Be rest assured ❌
Rest assured ✔9192>聞こえている ❌
I can hear you ❌
I can あなたの声が聞こえる ✔
My names are ✔
My name is ✔
All manners of ✔
All manner of ✔
She delivered a baby boy ✔
She was delivered of a baby boy ✔
She heard you ✔
My names are ✔
My name is ✔
All manners of ✔
All manners of ✔
All manners of ✔
She delivered a baby boy ✔Lacking behind ✔
Lagging behind ✔
Crack your brain ✔
Rack your brain ✔
Return it back ✔
Return it back ✔
Nigeria ナイジェリアは36の州で構成されている ✔
Nigeria is composed of 36 states ✔
Wake keeping ❌
Wake keep ❌
Wake 我慢する ❌
我慢する ✔理容室 ❌
理容室 ✔
家に携帯を忘れた ❌
家に携帯を忘れた ✔9192>借用する ペンを貸してください ✔
May I borrow your pen ✔
More grease to your elbow ✔
More power to your elbow ✔
Funny enough, 好きになったことがない❌
ふつーに。 好きになったことがない ✔9192>体がかゆい ✔9192>便箋 ✔9192>便箋 ✔9192>私はあなたの仲間ではない ✔9192>私たちは仲間ではない ✔9192>あなたはマナーが悪い ✔9192>あなたは不器用だ ✔9192>私はあなたの仲間ではない。マナー違反 ✔
前の車に角を立てる ✔
前の車に角を立てる ✔
滞在中の誕生日おめでとう ✔
遅れてきた誕生日おめでとう ✔
遅れてきた誕生日おめでとう ✔22時に寝ます❌
Just when I thought I have seen it all❌
Just when I thought I have seen it all ✔Firstcome.Just.Just.Just.Just.Just.Just.Just.Just.Just.Iは、最初に来ました。 ファーストサーブ❌
First come, 先着順 ✔
ダッシュしてください ✔
渡してください ✔
鼻水が出ています ✔
お腹が出ています ✔
First served ✔
Please do it to me ✔
Please give me ✔
I have a run nose ✔
I have a runner of nose (I have a nurse) (I have a runner of nese) ✔
I have a runner (I have a runner of nese) ✔
Please do it on me ✔
Please do me for me ✔お腹が痛い ✔
アディで誕生日おめでとう=アドレスで誕生日おめでとう ❌
仕事経験 ✔


